AMCP Foundation Volunteer Spotlight: Brian Peltz
Originally published in the April 2022 AMCP Foundation Insights e-newsletter.
Volunteers are important members of the AMCP Foundation team. We caught up with Brian Peltz, MS, RPh, FACHE, to hear his perspective on volunteering and why it is important.
What interested you in becoming a volunteer?
I wanted to give back to the AMCP organization and pharmacy profession. I found that volunteering at the conventions was both convenient and rewarding. I especially enjoyed working with students and young practitioners. They are full of energy and new ideas.
In what area with AMCP Foundation did you volunteer and why?
I started out by being a session moderator and new attendee buddy. For the past several years I have been a poster reviewer for AMCP Foundation’s Best Poster competition.
What was your experience with that volunteer opportunity?
What value do you think you gained from that experience? My experience has always been very positive, no matter what I helped with. I especially enjoy reviewing the posters. I enjoy learning about the topics that are chosen and enjoy talking with the authors about their experiences during preparation. I also want each participant to receive attention and recognition of their work. Often times the poster presentations are not a well-attended event though they are packed with valuable information. The authors work very hard and are passionate about their presentations.
Why should someone become a volunteer with AMCP Foundation?
Each of us has something valuable to share when we gather for a meeting or presentation. Having the opportunity to interact with other meeting participants, presenters, and authors provides for a value-added experience. Each volunteer activity only takes a short time commitment. I feel rewarded after volunteering.
Is there anything else you would like to provide?
With many hands, the work becomes light…there is a lot of effort that goes in to presenting a high-quality event like the AMCP Annual and Nexus. Participating as a volunteer for a very small piece of the puzzle is valuable to the organization and makes for a more fulfilling experience.