Give Back With #AMCPFdn and @VolAlex in AMCP Foundation Sock Collection!
AMCP Foundation’s “Knock Your Socks Off” drive at Annual Meeting 2019 last spring collected a record 1,225-plus pairs of socks for the homeless and poor in San Diego, Calif. Let’s break the record at Nexus 2019 outside Washington, D.C. We invite you to help AMCP Foundation and Volunteer Alexandria serve the needs of vulnerable Northern Virginia families.
Shop online using our Amazon wish list. You can contribute to the sock drive from wherever you are, and whether or not you’re traveling to National Harbor! If you are attending Nexus, don’t forget to put some socks in your suitcase. Come to the AMCP Foundation sock bin (near registration) and donate new socks in adult and youth sizes. Attendees that participate will receive an “I Knocked My Socks Off” ribbon as a token of appreciation. Donations will be accepted Oct. 30 and 31 from 8am to 5pm, and Nov. 1 from 8am to 10am.
The Foundation’s community partner, Volunteer Alexandria, will provide the socks to Northern Virginia Family Service, which offers resources and support to ensure that everyone in need, at every stage of life, maximizes their potential and fully contributes to a thriving community.
As AMCP and the Foundation are headquartered in Alexandria, we are particularly hoping for success in this campaign. Help us help our neighbors ... and in doing so, educate more people about managed care pharmacy!